Share The Good News
Share the Good News: National Directory for Catechesis in Ireland (SGN) published by the Episcopal Conference in December 2010, now provides an invaluable charter for our work. The Directory envisages the appointment of faith development personnel at all levels.
- While the bishop will have an identifiable central role as the chief catechist of the diocese he will ‘put in place a coordinated team of faith development personnel, working in co-operation and together designated as the Diocesan Faith Development Services’ (§ 137).
- Of course, this is also the work of all parishes and the parish priest will ‘see that a professionally qualified and experienced person is appointed as Faith Development Coordinator for the parish, possibly in conjunction with neighbouring parishes’ (§ 131).
- All of this work will be supported by ‘the National Faith Development Team…encouraging a nationally agreed approach to initial proclamation, Christian initiation, catechesis, religious education, new evangelisation and theological reflection in dioceses throughout Ireland, listening, supporting and encouraging all those who collaborate in these forms of ministry’ (§ 144).
The Directory can be purchased from Veritas
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